Rock Creek Pool Membership Policy

Rock Creek Pool, Inc. (RCP) is a non-profit organization owned by 400 members (referred to as “Members”). RCP enjoys a strong membership and healthy waitlist.  The boundaries for membership are detailed at

The 400 members, as defined in the bylaws, currently have a $1150 stake in the Corporation with full voting privileges and full use of the facilities. Associate Members shall be limited to persons in the immediate family of and residing with a Member. Associate Members retain full use of the facilities.

Boundaries for Membership

In order to apply for and obtain membership in Rock Creek Pool, Inc., the applicant must reside within specific geographic boundaries. Once equity membership in Rock Creek Pool, Inc. is obtained, the Member may reside outside the membership boundaries and still retain membership in the pool.


RCP maintains a waitlist for membership. To increase access to the facilities, RCP grants Summer Swim privileges up to the top 250 families/individuals on the waitlist. Summer Swimmers are allowed to use the facilities at RCP as well as join the swim and dive teams, and take tennis lessons. The 2024 dues for Summer Swimmers on the waitlist are $825 for the summer if paid within the initial payment period, and $925 afterwards.

August Swim privileges are usually granted to at least the next 75 families on the waitlist, based upon capacity restrictions. August Swimmers may use the facilities from August 1 to the closing of the pool. The 2024 Waitlist-August Swim dues are $350 for the summer if paid within the initial payment period, and $450 afterwards.

If the individual/family on the waitlist moves from/resides outside the RCP boundaries, they are no longer eligible for membership and will be removed from the waitlist.

Individuals on the waitlist who are offered Equity Membership in the Corporation must accept the membership or lose their position on the waitlist.

Summer Dues

The Board determines the rates for summer dues, annually. Summer dues not received by the deadlines are subject to late fees and account closure. Equity Member dues for the 2024 season are $695 if paid by the deadline and $795 if paid afterwards.

In cases of financial hardship, written requests may be made to arrange a payment schedule. Failure to pay summer dues or to make arrangements to pay summer dues results in the loss of pool privileges and possible forced sale of the membership or removal from the waitlist.

RCP allows individuals living in the same household as the Member, such as daycare providers, to pay a $100 fee for summer use of the facilities. Non-resident daycare providers are allowed access to the pool only with the member or an associate member after paying a $100 fee for the summer. Live-in daycare providers (e.g., au pairs) who have paid the $100 fee may use the pool without a member or associate member present. The name of the daycare provider must be provided when paying the season dues. Caregivers and houseguests are not eligible to participate on the swim team, dive team, or camp.

Senior Swimmers

Equity Members who have reached the age of 65 and who have had their equity membership for at least 20 years may sell their share using the Resignation Form and retain summer swim privileges and full use of the facilities. The 2024 dues for Senior Swimmers (individual/couple) are $300 per summer if paid within the initial payment period, and $400 afterwards.

Deferment of Summer Dues

Equity Members may defer their swim privileges/payment for two non-consecutive summers during the course of their membership in the Corporation for $100 per summer if paid within the initial payment period, $200 afterwards. If the Member is required to be out of the area for an extended period of time (such as military or foreign service postings), a written request may be made to the Board for an exception.

Summer Swimmers may pay $100 per summer to retain their position on the waitlist if they will not be using the pool during the season if paid within the initial payment period, $200 afterwards. While on the waitlist, Summer Swimmers may defer their swim privileges/payment for two summers. If the Summer Swimmer is required to be out of the area for an extended period of time, a written request may be made to the Board for an exception.

August Swimmers not accepting August swim privileges may retain their position on the waitlist by paying $25 within the initial payment period, $50 afterwards.

Waiver requests, that are denied or those requests that are not timely received, require full payment of dues.

Accounts & Season Dues Registration
Account holders are expected to keep their account information current. Account members are limited to family members living at home (please remove children who have their own residence). Make sure all adults on the account have email (personal, not work) and phone numbers listed. Add to your contacts/safe senders so you receive pool communications. Each account member must have a headshot photo and birth date listed. Provide an emergency contact who is not an account member.

Non-Payment of Season Dues

Season dues are payable by the dues deadlines or late fees will be assessed. Equity Member season dues not paid by the deadline will result in the sale of the membership with all dues and fees deducted from the current value of the membership. Waitlist individuals will be removed from the waitlist so others may receive swim privileges during the season.


In cases of divorce, the Member has the right to keep the membership, sell the membership to the ex-spouse, or sell the membership to RCP. If the ex-spouse is not granted the membership and remains in RCP boundaries, the Board will make a determination of membership status on a case-by-case basis after a written request is received.


Equity Members, Associate Members, Senior Swimmers, Summer Swimmers, and August Swimmers must remain on the pool grounds with their guests. The current guest fee is $5 per guest ($10 on holidays) per visit regardless of age or use of the facilities. The guest policy is discussed in the rules and regulations. Additional guest policies are as follows:

Board members are allowed to bring up to 6 guests at a time to the pool free of charge.

Sale of Membership

Due to the length of the waitlist, all memberships must be sold back to the pool or transferred to the buyer with the sale of the in-boundary house. The bylaws do not allow for the private sale of memberships. Daily Guest Passes may not be transferred or refunded. Equity Members should use the Resignation Form to sell their share.

Updated: March 2024

The Board reserves the right to modify and update these policies at any time.