Daily Guest Passes (set of 4)
Sold in sets of 4 credits for $20. You are encouraged to keep Daily Guest Passes on your account so they are available when your family brings visitors. NO form of payment will be accepted at the pool.
A caregiver may not visit the pool without a member of your family (adults or children) and the account member must remain at the pool for the duration of their visit. Everyone must check-in with the guards when visiting the pool, regardless of whether they swim so that we are in compliance with insurance regulations.
There may not be gatherings of more than 10 (including family members) without prior party approval. Guest passes not used this year carry over to future seasons. Daily Guest Passes may not be transferred or refunded.
Registering houseguests or using guest passes ($5 daily, $10 on holidays) is not to be an avenue for membership sharing with extended family or friends.