Update on Qualifications for Senior Swim Privileges
To All Full Equity Members:
The Board, at our recent meeting, has decided to make Senior Swim privileges available as an option to long-term Full Equity Members.
Specifically, we decided to increase the number of eligible Senior Swim accounts to 70 (up from 50) and to reduce the required minimum length of membership to 20 years (down from 25 years). So Full Members who are age 65 and have held an equity membership for 20 years (i.e. Full Member by 1997) can sell their membership and retain swim privileges for two adult members of their household. (See FAQs below for additional details).
If you are interested and believe you qualify, or have questions not addressed in the FAQ, please contact Admin@RockCreekPool.com. We’ll provide an additional week for you to make your decision so please let us know by February 24, 2017 if you want to be considered for Senior Swim privileges.
2017 Senior Swim FAQ
- Who has to be 65 to qualify? Either the Account Holder or the second household member. Senior Swim privileges are limited to the Account Holder and a spouse/partner (or one other adult immediate family member who resides in the household). All other household members must be removed from the account. You would need to pay guest fees for additional household members to be admitted to the pool.
- At what point does someone in the household have to be 65? Either account member must have been born in 1952 (or before) at any time during the year, not necessarily before the 2017 swim season begins. Account member birth dates must be entered in your online account to verify eligibility.
- When did I obtain Full Membership? Please remember that most families spent years on the waitlist and had Summer Swim privileges before being offered Full “Equity” Membership. The 20-year threshold refers to the date you bought the “equity” share in the pool, not when you applied for membership. You will be eligible if you purchased your equity share by 1997.
- How does someone with Senior Swim privileges differ from a Full Member? The Senior Swimmer no longer owns a share in pool, cannot vote, run for the Board, request a season dues waiver, or convey their membership with the sale of their house since the share is sold when converting to Senior Swim. In addition, the household converting can only have one other account member. Senior Swimmers do have normal use of the pool and grounds facilities, social events and can bring guests at the current guest rates.
- What is the current value of my Equity Share? The current value of membership is $850. A check for the equity share will be sent, then the 2017 season dues ($200) are payable by April 30.
- Does the Senior Swim category have to pay any Capital or Special Assessments? No.
- How do I apply to be considered for Senior Swim privileges? The request to sell membership (an email is fine) must be from the Account Holder (the person who applied for membership). Please keep in mind, you cannot be put on the Senior Swim wait list until you are eligible (i.e. meet the two requirements).
- Who determines eligibility? We review your records and, if eligible, will place you on the list to be considered. Since those eligibility requirements just changed, we will consider all new applications received by February 24, 2017. If we hit the 70 category limit, preference will be given to those who have been Full Members for the longest time. After this year, preference will revert to a first applied.
- Can Senior Swim request a season waiver? No.
- What happens if the Board decides to eliminate the Senior Swim category? To our knowledge this has never come up. One would expect that a future Board would ‘grandfather’ those in the Senior Swim category.